Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Concept...

So after stalking quite a few blogs, I have decided to organise my own. Instead of rambling along, I'm going to pick a room and do it, and blog about that. Unfortunately its stupidly hot, so I haven't done much organising lately, though tonight I did manage to do a one month meal plan. It's meant to cool down on Tuesday, so I'll be getting stuck back in then.

The idea with the meal plan is that I currently do it once a week, and often don't feel like cooking the meal I have planned, or we end up going to a bbq, or I forget about the meal plan and just pull something out of the cupboard. So hopefully this way, even if we do happen to go to a bbq on a Monday (which is when we usually go), I'll still be able to get all the meals in for that week. I've designated Wednesdays as my baking day, so each week we'll have a batch of fresh muffins or scrolls to snack on, and Mondays as my freezer day, so whatever we eat comes out of the freezer. Some examples are frozen fish fillets, chips and frozen veggies, and homemade pizzas as they just use up leftover veggies and meat anyway. Basically meals that can be postponed or cancelled if we need to skip a meal through the week. I've also made Sunday the takeout/do whatever day, and tried to allocate leftovers where possible for D to take to work.

I also need to make myself a list of things that need doing daily, weekly, and monthly so I can keep being organised once it's all done... Will be doing that tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get it posted here too.

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