Thursday, January 21, 2010

Craft things and playroom

I finally managed yesterday to finish sorting out the playroom. I'm proud to say that it no longer looks like those terrible before photos! I've 'decanted' if you like, the craft supplies into smaller ziplock bags, and stored those in a small box (I think once upon a time D bought me flowers in it...). The excess stuff, beads, sequins, googly eyes, pom poms, and the like, are in their own larger bags in a box that my veggies used to come in when I was working. ( ) I miss my veggie man. He always brought such yummy things. Unfortunately it's not an expense we can justify right now, not when I've got seven days a week to go and buy fresh veggies and fruit from the greengrocer 5 minutes away..

Anyway, the whole area has had an overhaul, so it now looks much more organised, and there's a spot for 'toy time-out' - Thanks to one of the lovely EB mummies who suggested it on her blog (can't remember who, if it was you, please say so!), so when the toys aren't put away when they need to be, I can put them into toy time-out and they don't get played with again until I put them back, which may not be that day, depending on how cross I am hehe. Will post photos once the kids have packed their things away.

So far today I've been doing five minute blocks in each room, I'm now on my 15minute internet break LOL. I've got lots of things I've been procrastinating, so today, I am going to tackle one! For me, it's the kids' clothes. Their wardrobe, to be specific. There's just no order in it. What I want to acheive is a system, whereby they can go there, pick an outfit, and be done with it in 5 minutes (they are girls though, so this could take longer..). So the plan of attack is this:
  1. Take out all the clothes, hangers, etc.
  2. Assign one rail per season
  3. Place clothes back on hangers, putting outfits together (ie pants hanging with the jumper, little shawls with their appropriate dresses, and school uniforms together on one hanger)
  4. Place all back in wardrobe.

Will let you know how I go! Who's with me? All you have to do is pick one room, cupboard, or drawer, or anything else you've been putting off, list the steps to acheive it, and then give yourself a treat for doing so well (mine will be chocolate)

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