Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bookshelf, Not perfect but done, and as good as it's going to get till I get some more assorted organisey stuff.

Living room

Front door. With In and Out trays and a spot for keys and D's wallet (that light brown boxy thing), inside this cupboard are shoes, hats, and my handbag.

Living area and front entrance... done! Bookshelf - reorganised! Now on to the kitchen while the kids are still out of the house..

Since my last idea of breaking everything up seems to have worked so well, I will do the same for the kitchen, though there isn't too much to do as it seems to have stayed reasonably tidy from my last blitz..
1. Countertop shelves - remove everything, sort through and replace only what is needed
2. Tea towel drawer - remove everything, get rid of the ugly ones, make note if needed to buy more
3. Benches (one at a time)- sort everything. EVERYTHING!! Refill coffee and sugar containers, make note to replace with ones that will fit on the countertop shelves (remember to measure). Wipe benches
4. Wipe down cupboard doors, put dishes away and clean sink.
5. Make cuppa, take photos, and blog away LOL.

This is actually becoming quite addictive..

And while I'm at it, tonight when the kids are in bed and D is watching cricket, I need to:
1. Do some filing
2. Sort through recipes and magazines, keeping only the articles I will need
3. Sort the drawers in the bedroom

I'm also kidlet free tomorrow as I have my driving test, so may get started on the girls room.. Just so they can have the chance to trash it again....will post photos later of what it actually looks like now, and maybe get some ideas of how to make it work better!

Under sink cupboard Before...

And after.

Also the area under the microwave before..

And the whole kitchen after. Only took around 20 minutes


  1. Hi PrincessMummy, just stumbled on your blog and as i'm a new blogger myself (and a mummy of three) thought I'd pop in and give you some support. I'm following another blog about from another young mum who is doing the same as you. Pop over to my page if you want and get the link to her blog. Good luck with the declutter and the new baby. There is never so much as a dull moment with my three (all girls!)

